Danny and Leila from the I4Give Foundation teach us about Forgiveness

09 November 2023
As part of our REAL program, we were honoured to welcome Mr and Mrs Abdallah to our school. Danny and Leila shared their remarkable journey about 'The Power of Forgiveness'.
In the wake of an unimaginable tragedy that took the lives of their four children, Antony, Angelina, Veronique and Sienna, they founded the I4Give Foundation and I4Give Day, grounded on the idea that forgiveness is a gift to the forgiver as much as to the forgiven.
The impact of words was a central theme. Danny likened forgiveness to a muscle and the sacrament of Confession to the gym. Their story illustrated the incredible power of forgiveness in their own family's healing.
Their story also sheds light on the driver who tragically took the lives of their three children. Forgiveness touched his heart and set him on a spiritual journey towards faith and conversion.
Leila provided insight into the 'why' and 'how' of forgiveness. She reminded us that life is too short to hold bitterness in our hearts. Their unwavering faith, boundless hope, and overwhelming love taught us that forgiveness has the power to heal, transform, and bring light even in the darkest of times.
At Tangara, the REAL program (Real Excellence and Attitude for Life) explores the science of character, fostering a love for an authentic, 'real' character. We are extremely proud to offer this to our students and believe that it is what sets us apart, covering modules like internet ethics and safety, friendships, resilience, emotional intelligence, and leadership.