R U OK Day 2023

14 September 2023
Today is R U OK? Day, and Tangara took a vibrant and proactive approach to the campaign. With a week-long initiative, the school has gone above and beyond to ensure that every member of the Tangara community feels supported and connected.
R U OK? Day, a nationally recognised event in Australia, focuses on encouraging meaningful conversations about mental health. It is a day dedicated to asking the simple yet powerful question: "R U OK?" Tangara has embraced this initiative wholeheartedly, with Mrs Sunner leading the charge to raise awareness, along with staff incorporating R U OK? Day activities into their lessons.
Throughout the week, large, sunny yellow walls were set up around the school, providing primary and secondary students with a canvas for writing positive messages of support to staff and fellow students. The striking visual display served as a constant reminder of the importance of checking in on one another.
We are encouraged to continue to ask people R U OK? not just today but every day. By taking the time for an R U OK? conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can all help the people in our world feel supported and connected." The emphasis on open and honest communication aligns with the broader educational goals of our school, where the well-being and development of every student are at the forefront of our mission. To learn more about the R U OK? campaign and access valuable resources, please visit R U OK?'s official website.