Tangara Alumnae Elizabeth Fernandez and Rachel Vala Meet Pope Francis

21 June 2024

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that Elizabeth Fernandez, a proud 2021 Tangara graduate and former School Captain, and Rachel Vala, a 2015 Tangara graduate, represented Australia in a virtual meeting with Pope Francis!

Elizabeth, now a student at Macquarie University, and Rachel, currently an ACU Pastoral Associate, joined other university students from the Asia-Pacific region to discuss key issues facing young people, such as faith formation and loneliness. Rachel had the distinct honour of giving a vote of thanks to the Holy Father at the conclusion of the virtual dialogue.


From Tangara to a Conversation with Pope Francis

Their journeys from Tangara, where they received strong faith formation, to this prestigious opportunity highlight the importance of supportive environments for young Catholics. At Tangara, they were nurtured in an environment that fostered their faith and leadership skills, which have clearly flourished as they take on these significant roles.


University Life and Faith

Now studying Business Administration and Law at Macquarie University, Elizabeth credits her involvement with university societies like CathSoc for helping her navigate the challenges of university life. Similarly, Rachel's role as an ACU Pastoral Associate has been instrumental in providing a community where faith can be openly discussed and celebrated.


A Voice for Young People

As Elizabeth and Rachel shared their insights with Pope Francis, we are incredibly proud of their commitment to making a difference. Their dedication to addressing the issues of faith formation and loneliness among young people is inspiring, and we believe they will be strong advocates for these crucial topics.

Join us in celebrating Elizabeth and Rachel, who represented not only Tangara but also young Australian Catholics at this significant meeting. Their achievements are a testament to the values and education that Tangara strives to impart to all its students.

Read the full article on Catholic Outlook here and on ACU here


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